And Hello Pot Roast – fall is in the air!
It's been a wonderful summer on the ranch this year and we finally did get that couple of weeks' vacation in Spain that Connie and I had on the books since before Covid.
And what would a rancher do when he gets off the ranch for a few weeks, of course go running with the bulls and a couple of buddies in Pamplona. Known these guys since 2nd grade. Our wives joined us a few days later.

The weather was great this summer, so I am sure those New Yorks, Ribeye, Skirts and Tri Tips have all been enjoyed by you and your family by now. So, time to dig a little deeper in the freezer and grab the Short Rips, Shoulder Roasts, Shanks and Stew meat. These cuts are made for the fall and winter months and are our family favorites.
Simple and Delicious Pot Roast Recipe (shoulder roast, shanks etc. will work here)
1 bag Lipton Onion Soup Mix
1 Jar of Chili Sauce
1 beer left over from a summer party.
1 white or yellow onion sliced.
3 celery stalks diced.
Give the meat a little sear in the cast iron skillet with salt, pepper and garlic powder (or fresh garlic). Put beef into a heavy pot with tight lid. Mix all the ingredients and then pour over beef. Into the oven at 350 degrees for 3+ hours………. mashed potatoes, bottle of red………heaven. Ok, a little salad on the side too.
I was in Safeway the other day and was curious as I passed by the meat counter. Skirt steak was $22.00/lb., ground beef was $8.99/lb., and the extra lean ground beef was $11.99/lb. I was shocked at how high the beef prices were. What is more shocking is where that beef comes from, which is…………. who knows.
I wanted to dig a little deeper, so I went to an online meat company selling ribeye's ……. $33.00/lb.
Another selling hamburger (steakburger) was $14.25/lb
Pretty crazy prices for a product you're not sure where it came from or how it was raised and processed. At JNB Ranch we are super focused on raising the very finest black angus beef steer we can. All of our steers are born right here on the ranch, raised on grass and finished on high quality grain. No hormones or antibiotics are ever used in our beef. It’s just tastier!

Connie and I have taken on the task of learning to ride. I have a whole new appreciation for the cowboys out here. I have come to appreciate that it’s a whole lot harder than it looks. Cowboys seem to be born in the saddle, but I am happy to be a rancher and a part of this wonderful community.
Here’s Connie on her horse Squirrel.
A picture of my horse Shorty coming soon but for now here is me on my first horse.
That picture of me must be around 1968 or so.

In November the JNB Ranch will be participating in our first charity event called A Taste of MCAR. This event helps support the Monterey County Association of Realtors and the scholarship fund they provide to the Peninsula youth. JNB Ranch will be serving some tasty sliders at the Blue Adobe Mortgage booth. Look for our new pull-down banner. The event is open to the public and I can guarantee you there will be some other tasty food booths along with excellent live and silent auction items. Here’s a link if you want to buy a ticket and come join the gang Home | Taste of MCAR 2023 (

Here are me and Arlo. She’s our #1 Cow and has the tag to prove it. She was raised on the ranch as a bottle-fed calf. Arlo just had her third calf. She's a very good mama and a great guide for the other cows on the ranch.

We have many gatherings of family and friends on the ranch throughout the year. Always something on the grill, a cold beer and a little music.
Here is an artist I have been following lately. Zach Bryan - The Good I'll Do - YouTube
Here is a little gathering of our cows down in the lower field.

It was the 100th Anniversary of Hemmingway coming to Pamplona which inspired his famous book The Sun Also Rises. Here's a link if you like Hemmingway. The Sun Also Rises: The Authorized Edition: 9780743297332: Hemingway, Ernest: Books
Well, the sun not only rises but sets as well. Enjoy the cool air, shorter days and some tasty comfort food.
Happy Trails!

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Loved this blog!! So informative great simple to make recipes.!