The Real Deal From Our Ranch to Your Table

My wife and I run a small operation here at our ranch.  We are passionate about raising the best possible beef.  This is what we eat, serve to our guests and our family.  Our beef is locally born and raised right here on the ranch.  It's pasture grass-fed and then finished on grain for a cut above the rest.  We do not use any hormones or steroids. 

Growing up I was very involved in many aspects of the fresh food business.  I started at 16 years old working at the Chart House in Monterey.  I did everything from wait tables, work behind the broiler and prep cook.  

Inspired by the restaurant business I studied food and beverage management at Monterey Peninsula College eventually earning my business degree there. 

During this time, I worked for and was mentored by Joe Solis and Jerry Beach behind the meat counter and deli at a local butcher shop and grocery store in Monterey, CA.   This was another course in fresh food from deli trays, prepping the cooked food, to breaking and cutting beef alongside Joe and Jerry.  During my time there I acquired a lot of knowledge around the fresh food business and in the end, I also got schooled in how to run a great business by two of the greats.  

I left the meat counter to start my own food business and became a fish monger.  For three years I owned and operated Fresh Catch Fish Market in Pacific Grove.  The market was a retail store catering to customers who demanded the very freshest seafood.  We also sold wholesale to many of the local grocery stores and restaurants in the area.  Open 7 days a week I would start my day as the sun came up on the commercial wharf 2 in Monterey jockeying for position to get the best and freshest fish each day.

Our family loves food, loves our beef, and we hope you will enjoy it too!

It's Just Tastier!